The quote ‘Nothing stays the same’ is making sense more than ever right now. We are discovering the Earth in a New way where nothing really makes sense until you release all the burdens and Keep only what is true. Exciting miracles await; trust!∞the-9th-dimensional-arcturian-council/

11 11 Gateway- to the flow of the cosmic love- to our true divine power! 

Happy 11 11! On this autumn night tonight,  I just now walked outside . I looked up to the moon as always and admired the moonlight glow in the hazy clouds.  And suddenly I glanced back up and  noticed a huge translucent ring around the moon ! I had seen the ripple effect of theContinueContinue reading “11 11 Gateway- to the flow of the cosmic love- to our true divine power! “

Sacred geometry pics! 

For me,  the shapes and the numbers became more geometric, more sacred, and more synchronistic in my life in profound ways than ever before about 2 years ago.  It all made sense how everything is made up of exact pieces fitting perfectly together so stable, like Legos. When I look at certain sacred geometry picsContinueContinue reading “Sacred geometry pics! “